w w w . r e d m a n f a m i l y . n e t

Page updated on November 03, 2007     

Subject:  And I'm off to the Peace Corps / Niger!  (...almost)
Date:  1/2/2005 1:40:28 A.M. 

Hello all-

First of all, I want to express the hope that you all had a happy holiday season, and that you all are up for facing the new year ahead.

I just want to thank all of you for the supporting and encouraging words from all of you that I've gotten over the past month.  Thank you, very sincerely.  As I head off into the unknown, I have a few bags full of clothes and other necessary items and a head full of happy memories to reflect on. Though I'll be half a world away, I'll have plenty of time to think about my family and friends, and wonder what they're all up to nowadays (so, instead of keeping me in perpetual suspense, write me some letters! [Nice segue, eh?])

I'm sending this off a few days before I leave so that if anyone wants to fire off a quick email or ask a question, they have the time to do so and I can respond before I go off to training, where there'll be no phone or email access in Hamdallaye, my training center, for its eight-week duration (talk about getting cut off cold turkey!).  I leave for my orientation in Philadelphia early Tuesday morning, and them I am off to Niger on Thursday afternoon.

Currently I'm pretty nervous about the whole affair, but I suppose that's to be expected when putting pen to paper on any new chapter in one's life.  Will I be good enough at my job, at learning the language, at simply living in Africa?  Will I flourish or flail in adapting to the culture?  How will I deal with being completely cut off from my life back home and all my friends and family?  These are the sorts of questions I've been mulling over, perhaps futilely, as I can't answer them except through the passage of time.  Now, I guess, that time is nearly come.

So, as I've said, I want to say one "final" goodbye (yes, I realize it's not for forever, but two years seems an infinitely long period at this stage) and to let you know that I'll be thinking about all of you during my spare moments (of which I'm assured there will be plenty).  Everyone take care, and be sure to write!

For any and all info about my Peace Corps experience, be sure to check the website that my dad will be running:


- Michael Redman

PS: All of you accustomed to sending me email at my Whitman address should direct it to this Yahoo address ( redmanma_pcvn  at yahoo.com ), as I won't be checking the Whitman one any longer (I've set it to forward to this address)

ALSO, if you change your email or snail-mail address, be sure to write me either in a letter or via email, so I can send emails / snail-mail to the right place.

Corps de la Paix
B.P. 10537
Niamey, Niger    www.redmanfamily.net/Peace_Corps
West Africa

Disclaimer: The contents of this Web site are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps.