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Email of 1 December 2004
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 12:26:01 -0800 (PST)
From: "Michael Redman" <???@yahoo.com>  
Subject: Michael Redman in Peace Corps / Niger
To: [recipient list not disclosed]
Hello all. How are you all doing? I hope you and yours are being
healthy, wealthy, and wise in whatever corner of the world you happen
to be in.

You probably enjoy receiving mass emails about as much as I like
sending 'em, so I'll get down to brass tacks:

On 4 January 2005, I will depart for 2+ years as a Peace Corps
volunteer in the landlocked West African nation of Niger (Niger
[nee-ZJAIR'] is roughly twice the size of Texas [but no word yet if
that means that roughly TWO villages are missing THEIR idiots]). While
there, I will be a part of the Agroforestry wing of the Peace Corps,
meaning, well... I'm not sure exactly what it means (nowhere on my
résumé does it list "agroforester" under previous occupation), but
that's what they have the two months of training at the beginning for.
From my understanding, it deals with that which is most important:
putting enough food on the table, and finding a way to do so in a
sustainable way so the people can do it long after I leave.

From 7 January to 7 March, I will undergo training in the town of
Hamdallaye, about 25 km east-northeast of the nation's capital of
Niamey, in the southwest of the country. After training, I will be
shipped off to my site. At site, for the first three months I focus on
integrating into the community, learning the customs, boning up on my
Hausa or Fufulde (or whatever the local language may be), and trying to
learn what problems there are in the community. After that, I, together
with my village, will try to instigate projects that will be beneficial
to the community.

Communicating with Me: The best way to keep in contact with me will be
via "snail mail". While nowhere near the standards of the US Postal
Service, the Nigerien mail is supposedly pretty good by African
standards. That means a letter sent to me should get to me within 2-4
weeks, and the same with outgoing mail. A few points of advice in
sending me letters: try to keep the envelopes as low-profile as
possible (no stickers, etc...), and no "naked" postcards (i.e., without
an envelope) - pretty pictures from America have been known to make
more regular appearances on post office walls than in post office
boxes. But I would love pictures and letters and just little notes
telling me what's happening with you all.

My address will be:

Michael Redman
Corps de la Paix
B.P. 10537
Niamey, Niger
West Africa

(It is possible my address will change to a closer address when I
finish training, but no matter what, mail arriving at the above address
will make it to me)

I do not know how regularly I will be able to check my email - it could
be only a handful of times in the whole two years - but for the moment,
you can send email to this address: ???@yahoo.com (when I
leave, I will set my Whitman email to forward to this address). Your
best bet will probably be using regular ol' snail mail.

Another resource of information is the following website which I've
slung together over the past week from information the Peace Corps has
given me and from information on the internet:


This website will be the hub of information for my time in Africa over
the next two+ years. My dad will be running it, and he's going to try
to put up letters and pictures and other info I send along to him
(aren't you, dad? :) ) Also, you are more than welcome to pass on
information to him that he can post up here. My parents will be the
"living" hubs or information, so if you have any questions or anything,
feel free to get in contact with them: ???@???.??? (dad's
email), 763-571-????, or ???? 52nd Ave NE, Fridley MN 55421.

I'm spending the last month or so here getting ready to go, and filling
out all the necessary paperwork, and so forth. As far as how I'm
feeling about the whole thing, right now I'm kind of oscillating
between being ready to go and wanting to get it started, and unholy and
abject terror at the thought of spending two years "in the bush". How
I'm feeling really depends on which day you catch me :)

I hope that all of you are doing well wherever you are, and that you
can take the time to look at the website. I also hope you have a nice
holiday season - I am very grateful I get to be home with my family
during that time - even if the weather gets a little chilly (I noticed
it was 95 today in Niger, which sounds nice, until you realize that
means it will be in the 130s in April and May). Anyways, take care, and
I can't wait to hear what you're all up to these days and over the next
two years.

Feel free to drop me a line before I leave on 4 January!

- Michael Redman

(Also, I tried to send this to about everyone whose email address I
could get my grubby little hands on - but if you think I missed someone
who would want to read it, send it on to them and scold me about my
callous disrespect, so I don't miss 'em for next time - also, tell me
if I've sent this message to your wrong email address!)

???? 52nd Ave NE        soon to be:          Corps de la Paix
Fridley, MN 55421      (as of 7 Jan 05)     B.P. 10537
(763) 571-????                                           Niamey, Niger
   www.redmanfamily.net/Peace_Corps   West Africa
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Disclaimer: The contents of this Web site are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps.