w w w . r e d m a n f a m i l y . n e t

Page updated on November 03, 2007     

Index | News from Michael | Info about Peace Corps / Niger | Photos | Other Resources | Other PCV Sites


Current Status:  Michael is now in his permanent village in Niger

Go to previous page  back to page 1                                                                    Page 2 of the  News:

16 March  2005 - letter from Mike - adventures in his new home, plus sketch of hut

06 March 2005 - Email from Mike at end of training

19 February 2005 - Email from Mike about visiting his future village

12 February 2005 - new mailing address for Mike

30 January 2005 - letter from Michael (arrived March 17)

17 January 2005 - letter and sketch of Mike's host family compound

12 January 2005 - 1st letter from Michael from Africa

08 January 2005 - Email and picture sent by Peace Corps confirming safe arrival of trainees in Hamdallaye

06 January 2005 - last phone call until February 12th

03 January 2005 - Mike's packing list

02 January 2005 - Email sent by Michael just prior to leaving for initial orientation sessions in Philadelphia.

15 December 2004 - Letter from Niger Peace Corps country desk in Washington with communication and travel information for family and friends.

1 December 2004 - Email sent by Michael giving basic background information about going to the Peace Corps, Niger, and his project (basically a summary of what's on the site).


Disclaimer: The contents of this Web site are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps.